Employer Commute Suite
Ushering in a New Era for Employer Commute Programs
We’ve entered a new era of working with a blending of remote and office settings. Hybrid work models and the gradual return to work are reshaping not only workplaces, company cultures, and work-life balance, but also commutes. Organizations and employees are facing many commute-related challenges but the rise in hybrid work schedules also presents opportunity. Organizations are leveraging commute programs as an incentive to return to work and significantly reduce, track and measure their commute-related carbon footprint.
Metropia’s Commute Suite offers a tailored solution that aligns with your commute program. Whether carpooling, using public transit, or working from home, Metropia’s Commute Suite offers a full range of commuter management solutions to guide your employees toward better ways to get to work and support you in tracking and reporting your organization's cumulative progress in meeting their commute program, sustainability, and ESG goals.
Key Features of Commute Suite
Easy to use, white labeled app with your brand and messaging for all employee commutes, even telework trips.
Trip Planning and Log.
State-of-the art carpooling with private carpool groups for employers and mega groups (e.g.: management districts, universities).
Guaranteed Ride Home functionality.
Marketing console for communicating and engaging with employees and administering campaigns and incentives.
Dashboard monitoring and reporting of your employees' commutes, including trips taken by all modes, carpool matches and trips, total reduction of CO2 emissions and Vehicle Miles Traveled from carpooling, biking, riding transit and teleworking.
Manage, measure and report on impact of commuting programs from their Environmental, Social and Governments (ESG) and Decarbonization initiatives.
White Label App
Enable seamless employee participation in your commute program through Metropia’s platform branded for your organization. Our white label app is customized for your needs with our many modules and functionalities across all of our technology solutions including Employer Commute Suite. With customer experience a top priority, our platform is user-friendly and makes planning and accessing mobility options easy for your employees.

Trip Log
The Metropia Trip Log automates trip tracking and has a built-in feature that allows your employees to manually enter trips, including telework trips that are not traditionally tracked like other modes of transportation. In the Trip Log, employees can also view their personal dashboard to see their trip history, CO2 savings and reduced Vehicle Miles Traveled by working remotely or using alternatives to driving alone.
Private Employer Carpool Groups
Private companies, universities, other organizations and agencies can individually collaborate with Metropia to create customized private employer carpool groups via the GoEzy app. Building on the platform’s built-in social carpool feature, employer groups allow users to find carpooling partners among those with whom they have some form of social relationship such as coworkers. Employer administrators have access to their organization’s employee activity data and statistics for tracking and reporting purposes. They also can encourage participation among employees through incentive campaigns and rewards which can be handled through the GoEzy platform.

Mega Carpool Group
The likelihood of finding ridesharing matches can be increased when groups of employers and organizations, clustered within a geographical area, join forces to form a Mega Carpool Group. For larger office complexes housing multiple organizations and industry and business districts, for example, the formation of a Mega Carpool Group allows employers of multiple companies to share rides with one another, thus increasing the opportunity for matching and carpooling for every planned trip.
Guaranteed Ride Home
Administration of guaranteed ride home or trip protection programs can easily be handled within our MaaS platform. For carpooling, passengers can purchase “trip protection” during the carpool scheduling process. The charge entitles the user to compensation for a replacement ride up to a set amount should their driver cancel the carpool and another driver is unavailable to provide a ride. Usually sponsored by metropolitan planning organizations or regional agencies, trip protection refunds are typically offered on a sliding scale that favors more environmentally friendly modes like transit over taxis and rideshares.

Administrative Platform
Access to key data, including employee participation and overall performance, is essential to support the growth and operations of employee commute programs. Our Administrative Platform provides the medium to support, operate, monitor and manage all the necessary operations and data produced by employees using the app and features enabled through the Employer Commute Suite. Access to this data also supports the compilation of reports documenting program outcomes and progress in meeting your organization’s goals and other program related reporting needs. The platform may comprise of one or more remove functional consoles, including the marketing initiative console, the participant console and the performance console.
Marketing Console
Our marketing console helps build strong connections and engagement with employees by creating and managing any series of campaigns they wish to launch. This operational tool contains templates and easy-to-use functionality to ease the process of designing a range of campaigns that motivate and reward employees for their commuting behaviors Our console centralizes your outreach, communication and marketing campaigns to employees in one location. The console also tracks employee engagement and helps companies assess the effectiveness of campaigns.
Participant Console
The ability to visualize employee activity in commute programs not only provides insights to individual activity but also offers a birds eye view of the local impact of your program on mobility patterns and changes in mode uses. Access to employee participation data relative to mode splits, environmental impact and the geographic areas most impacted, allows program administrators to better design initiatives and campaigns to further drive behavior change and improve both impacts and transportation diversity.
Performance Console
Commute program administrators have access to a private dashboard that captures aggregated data needed to report users' activities using the Employee Commute Suite offerings including mode share and travel patterns, trips taken and overall travel related CO2 and VMT reductions. Using visualization tools like Tableau, program administrators can easily monitor their program's performance and gain insights into user behavior and prepare reports.

ESG Impact of Commute Programs
Engage employees in the company's ESG initiatives and help transform their daily commutes into a more eco-friendly and cost-effective experience through the many Commute Suite features and tools. Commute Suite offers organizations a powerful tool for observing and reporting the collective benefit of the entire team's commute-related sustainability, ESG and decarbonization initiatives, from teleworking to carpooling. This in turn will help to define or refine organizational objectives for future sustainability strategies.